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Complete MS Excel Certification Course
Excel Module
Session 1 - (20-05-2023) Conditional and Logical Tools (134:32)
Session-2(21-05-2023) VLookup and Index and Match Other functions (166:12)
Session-3(27-05-2023) Index , Match , VLOOKUP and Charts (211:41)
Session-4(28-05-2023) (Data Validations , Pivot Tables) (222:07)
Session-5(02-06-2023) Pivot tables and Pivot Charts (102:53)
Session-6(03-06-2023) Consolidation of Data and Dashboards (169:40)
Data Sets For Excel
Advance Excel - VBA and Macros
Session-1 (11-11-2023) (158:50)
Session-2(12-11-2023) (523:16)
Session-3(16-11-2023) (331:54)
Session-4(20-11-2023) (313:40)
Session 1 - (20-05-2023) Conditional and Logical Tools
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